Grooming Topics at Dee-O-Gee Franklin


Grooming Topics
and Information
at Dee-O-Gee Franklin

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your furry friend, we just want to make everyone aware of our Dee-O-Gee grooming policy and topics or questions surrounding grooming in not just our salon but ANY salon.

Cancellation Policy: We kindly request a 48-hour notice for any cancellations. Cancellations must be made in writing within the original confirmation text stream. Verbal cancellations must also be followed up with a written response in the original appointment text stream to confirm the cancellation.

Why do we ask this? Mainly because without adequate notice, we are not able to fill your spot. And we held your spot and turned away others who were wanting the spot.


For no-shows or cancellation without adequate notice, the following is our policy:   

* First no-show or last-minute cancellation:  The full groom price of 100% of the groom may be charged. Exceptions can be made at salon discretion with a grooming reschedule.  

* Second no-show or last-minute cancellation: 100% of the groom price will be charged, and pre-payment of 100% will be required for all future appointments.

2.) Late Policy: We kindly request that you arrive on time for your appointment.

Please call us if you're going to be more than 15 minutes late. If you arrive later than that with no call, we may need to reschedule your appointment for another day - depending on our schedule. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

3.) Vaccination Requirements: We ask for a veterinarian certificate indicating non-expired proof of vaccination for Rabies.

We will also accept proof of immunity to rabies through RFFIT blood titres. 

You can bring in the paperwork, show us on your phone, or have your vet email us at to email over the vaccination records. 


OR if your dog is too young or too old for the vaccine, we do accept veterinarian letters of exception. Then it is up to the groomer as to whether to groom the dog or not.

4.) Double-Coated Dogs: We normally do not cut or shave the coat of a double-coated dog, such as a Collie, Husky, Australian Shepherd, Great Pyrenees, German Shepherd, etc. 

If however, the owner INSISTS, then we have a waiver for the owner to sign, releasing us as groomers from all responsibility because the hair may never grow back in as normal. It MAY, but it is a risk. 


Also, if the double-coated dog is matted up to the skin and MUST be shaved down for its health and protection, we will also need owner to sign the "Double-Coated Dog Release Waiver." 


At Dee-O-Gee Franklin, we groom all breeds of dogs...


But we also specialize in...



5.) Shaving matted doodles: Doodle owners should be aware that mats and knots in their doodle's head, coat, and legs require shaving.

If doodles haven't been brushed regularly with the mats brushed out at home, the doodle will not be able to be kept "fluffy." 


Mats are like dreadlocks. They can't be untangled by the groomers - because it is torture for the dog. They must be shaved out

And you cannot have big chunks missing out of the coat where the mats were, as opposed to a smooth and even coat. 


Once they are matted up, the chances are very high that they must be taken short in order to be smooth and even all over, and look like a good grooming. 

6.) Brush outs:  We also offer a service for doodles and double-coated dogs called Brush-outs. Basically this is a service that helps keep your doodle mat-free in between groomings. It also helps get the undercoat out of a double-coated dog. 

Our experienced groomers are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for your beloved pets. That's why we offer this. Let us help you keep your doodle or double-coated dog looking beautiful.

To keep your doodle fluffy, we recommend consistently grooming every 6 weeks at a minimum.

7.) Flea control: Our salon is high-end and flea-free.

If we see a flea problem with your sweet dog, we will immediately need to put your dog into a flea bath...all natural of course.

The flea treatment is an extra cost, but not too bad. But it's mandatory if a flea problem is found. We strive to use only all-natural grooming products and when needed we use products suitable for pets with sensitive skin. 

We do have many natural flea remedies also for sale in our store like Diatomaceous Earth and Wondercide. 

8.) VIP Express Grooming: This is a start-to-finish VIP service where our groomers focus specifically on just your dog, so his process is shorter. 

There is an extra fee for this service but for those who need or want speedy grooming, in and out, it is worth it. Best time for VIP appointments is first thing early in the morning.

9.) Grooming Satisfaction: We do our best to create the grooming on your dog that you want.

But we like to set realistic expectations. A matted doodle cannot be kept fluffy. Sometimes small mats can be combed out humanely. But sometimes not. 


We love pictures! Send in or bring in a picture of the style of cut on your dog that you love. Be sure it's the same breed and hair consistency. Don't bring a picture of a poodle for a golden retriever. We don't do magic.

10.) Grooming Refunds: We do not give refunds on grooming.

Grooming is a hard job, outcomes can be artistic and subjective also - and our groomers work hard to earn their pay.

While in our store, please have a look at your dog's grooming and make sure you love it. We can adjust any hair out of place. Once the dog leaves the store we allow 24 hours for a callback and adjustment to your grooming.

11.) Grooming Time and Consistency: Grooming is an art.

Outcomes can be exactly what you wanted or something a little different. Coats and textures are different and dog behaviors are different. 


Outcomes can be exactly what you wanted or something a little different. Coats and textures are different and dog behaviors are different. 


We like to allow 4 to 5 hours per dog for grooming, especially for doodles and poodles. Smaller dogs or simple short coat baths can be done a lot sooner of course but we don't like to pressure ourselves unnecessarily.


Why? Many things can go wrong during the day and we never know what we will encounter. Some dogs don't like the warm blow dryer so we have to go with the cool dryer - taking much more time. Some dogs don't like their legs done and will pull constantly.This greatly slows down the process.


Behaviors like this can be corrected over time, but grooming must be regular and consistent to train them. We don't just groom only, we also TRAIN.


And to build trust in your dog, it's important not to switch grooming salons frequently. Staying at one salon helps your dog learn a familiar environment and build trust with their groomer.


Another advantage is that your groomer learns the coat better and how to best cut and style your dog's coat.


Again, to keep your doodle fluffy, we recommend consistently coming every 6 weeks at a minimum.

12.)  "Quicked" nails:
Sometimes your dog may get a "quicked" nail during a nail trim.

This means the quick was longer within the nail and when it was clipped, it may bleed out a little. This is not serious and a visit to the vet is not needed. Even nail trims at the vet can result in a "quicked" nail.


We have a cornstarch-like powder called Quick Stop, that we dip the tip of the nail into and generally stops the leak in a few minutes. The quick will recede back into the nail which is a good thing and next time the nail will be able to be cut shorter.  


Sometimes the nail may start up again once home. Just dip the nail in cornstarch and let the dog rest in a quiet spot. It should stop soon. Our policy is to always let the owner know if a nail has been "quicked" so you can watch for it.   


If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a grooming appointment, please feel free to contact us at 615-790-1121. We look forward to serving you and your furry friend!

